Gilles Betis

Orbicite, France

Biography : Gilles Betis is the founder of OrbiCité, a consulting company dedicated to Smart Cities, Mobility, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He previously held various positions in high-tech international companies, transport services providers and a European agency dedicated to digital technologies. In 2013 he co-founded the IEEE Smart Cities Initiative and have been chairing it until 2017 during its incubation phase. Since the end of the eighties, he has constantly been involved with prospective, innovation and design of complex systems, as well as entrepreneurship and value creation. Having an extensive industrial experience in Intelligent Transportation Systems and Smart Cities (mobility, data, security and resilience, civic tech), he always linked up emerging behaviours and societal needs to innovative technological solutions, allowing smooth adoption by final users. Gilles Betis was graduated in 1987 from Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité in France.